Governance Committee

The WLS Governance Committee assists the full WLS board in meeting its fiduciary duty to ensure that the organization’s bylaws and policies are complete and up-to-date.  The committee will conduct an annual review to determine which (if any) existing policies or sections of the bylaws need revision in order to comply with applicable federal, state, and county laws and regulations.  Working with WLS staff, the committee will research and draft any new policies that may be required or desirable to meet legal requirements or to advance the mission and goals of WLS.  Any new or amended policies or amendments to the bylaws will, following a recommendation from the committee, be presented to the full board for discussion and adoption.


Andrea Zuckerman Bober (Chair), District 10
Anthony Amiano, District 5
David Mener, District 14
Julie Mills-Worthey, District 13

May 21, 2024 Policy 1 – Equal Employment Opportunity Policy 6 – Progressive Discipline, Draft Revision – May 2024 (Edits) Policy 10 – Internet Safety, Draft Revision – May 2024 (Edits) Employee Handbook Amendments
August 30, 2022 Agenda Collection Development Policy, Draft 1 Policy 3 – Workplace Violence, Draft – August 2022 Minutes
  Policy 16 – Board Meetings, Draft – August 2022 Policy 17 – Sexual Harassment Complaint Form, Approved November 2018 Policy 17 – Sexual Harassment, Draft – August 2022
June 7, 2022 Policy 5 – Exempt and Non-Exempt Employee Pay, Draft Revision – June 2022 (Edits) Policy 12 – Investment of Funds, Draft Revision – June 2022 (Edits) Policy 13 – Purchasing, Draft Revision – June 2022 (Edits) Minutes
March 15, 2022 Agenda Policy 9 – Whistleblower, Draft Revisions (Edits) Policy 9 – Whistleblower, Draft Revisions (Clean) Minutes
June 12, 2019       Minutes
October 25, 2018 Agenda Meeting Info   Minutes

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