Z39.50 is a protocol used to query bibliographic records stored in an ILS (Integrated Library System). Westchester Library System offers Z39.50 access to other library organizations. Please contact us at it@wlsmail.org to request access.
WLS is a member of OCLC. If you choose to use records from WLS please be sure to provide attribution:
Open Data Commons Attribution is required.
Preferred form of attribution:
Contains OCLC WorldCat information made available under the ODC Attribution License. The OCLC cooperative requests that uses of WorldCat derived data contained in this work conform with the WorldCat community norms.
Model language for data set landing pages:
OCLC members could use the following language on the pages where they expect groups from outside OCLC to access or download their data:
This database contains data derived from the WorldCat database, which is created and maintained by OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. and its members. Your attribution when using this Worldcat-derived data supports the OCLC cooperative and the WorldCat database on which we rely and directly impacts our ability to keep providing great library information services to our library community and the public.
This database is made available under the Open Data Commons Attribution License ODC-BY, which means you should: attribute your use of this database to us and OCLC, and; review the OCLC community norms for how we would like our institutions to be treated.
For more on how to do both of these and the specifics, pleas see the ODC-BY text, the WCRR Record Use Policy, our community norms, our frequently asked questions about data licensing and the rest of our site for details. If there are any questions, please contact us at recorduse@oclc.org.